And now looking back, the years have shortened so that no looking glass is needed. The years past seem like such a short time.
I have been sorting all the photos of our children, and looking at them when they were babies and pre-schoolers. I realized the other day that I never dreamed about all the things that those babies might accomplish in their lives - education, good jobs, world travel, families of their own. They were just funny little babies with cute little faces and personalities. They were such fun!
When I looked at Randy's pictures. He is our oldest child, so of course there are hundreds of baby pictures of the first child. He was a pretty funny baby. From the moment he could react to us, he was a child of a myriad of facial expressions - most of them funny. And from the moment he could talk, he loved to talk and tell stories.
Hmmm - as I look at Randy's pictures from baby to adult, I realize he is still pretty much that same way.
Let me present some pictures to prove my point.
Here is Randy, about 18 months old, telling a story with all his funny expressions.
Grown up Randy with the same expressions, telling a different story (I think). Although, he is probably
saying, "Why do you ask?" This is his standard response when you ask him a question.
And now we see Randy digging in the dirt and trying to do some gardening.
Yep, he's still digging.
Randy loved the party games, often leading the game.
Different balloon, entertaining a different girl, still leading the game.
.Uh Huh.
His first Christmas, wearing a bib, and loving the presents.
His I don't know which Christmas, still wearing the bib, and still loving the presents. (Actually this was the Christmas before Avery was born and she is twenty. As you can see, the not-yet-born Avery received presents even before she arrived.
Now here is baby Randy taking his first steps so that he can model his new suit.
And here is the grown-up Randy (well, I'm not so sure about that) modeling some kind of suit. I'm fairly sure from the back drop that this is a photo from Abu Dhabi. It is hanging in his office. The firm where he works designed Ferrari World Theme Park in Abu Dhabi. I don't know about the outfit he is wearing. It must have some desert connection. I'm sure Randy can explain this picture if he happens to read this blog. That is if he is still speaking to his mother!
All of this is just to prove to all you young mothers out there, that all those fun things that you see in your babies may still be making appearances when those kids are all grown up.
And that is a good thing in Randy's case!