Today is Randy's 56th birthday. It is just hard to believe that Randy is older than Don was when Don retired from teaching. But, there you go. Time just keeps moving on. Randy still seems young and active. He shall probably work on for a long time. He seems to really enjoy his work and the traveling around the world that his design work involves.
We have had a rather quiet weekend. Don had a bit of an upset stomach yesterday. So we just stayed home and enjoyed ball games and Olympic events. Every major college in Indiana lost in basketball yesterday. And to think, Indiana is the hot seat of basketball. Maybe not so much anymore!
I have spent the weekend trying to finish up some little projects that were started a while back.
First I finished up another "Penny Rug." Remember, this is not really a rug. It is just an old pioneer craft that is called that. I am using both of mine on the back of easy chairs. They can also be used as table scarves under a centerpiece. This second one is smaller than the first, because I used so many of the "pennies" to make book marks for Christmas gifts.
I also finished three sets of miniature pictures to be used in miniature scenes. I have no plans for their use, but they will be here when they are needed for a project.
I also made a larger one like this to replace one of the pictures in the latest doll house kitchen. I was just not happy with the first one. The new one looks much better.
I have also begun a project - taking apart a small house I found at the Muncie Goodwill. I hope to make this into a garden store. I have taken off the roof and hope to finish this inside. I would like to remove the back wall, but it is so securely nailed in that I fear the whole house will collapse. So I think I shall just keep the roof so that it can be removed to see the interior. I found and cut out green plant and flower scenes for all five of the windows.
That is about as productive as this weekend is going to be. It will be doing my nails while I watch Downton Abbey, and then I shall call it a day or rather a weekend.
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