Sunday, September 11, 2016

CHAPTER EIGHT from Small Stories of Life in Smithville

     Labor Day weekend was very exciting in Smithville.  On Friday and Saturday the tiny residents noticed that Don and Phyllis were a little busier than usual.  They did a little sweeping, a little dusting, and some grocery shopping.  Hmmm, they must be expecting company.  Then, when Don started putting up an extra table, and Phyllis started setting the table , they knew!  There was going to be COMPANY,  and a PARTY!
     Sure enough, on Sunday morning they started noticing the mouth-watering aromas of cooking, saw a birthday cake on the counter, and there were serving dishes being readied.  It was certain.  A birthday party was going to happen!
     By noon, the house was full of voices, laughter, and music.  Uh oh, the grown-ups were having such a good time, Britton had a lot of freedom to explore.  The tiny people were a little tense!  It wouldn't take Britton very long to rearrange all their houses!
     But as soon as Grandpa Don was through eating, he and Taylor took Britton outside for a walk and to play, so the Smithville small houses and tiny people began to relax and enjoy the day as much as the party goers did.
     By evening, most of the company had gone home.  Only Carla and Randy were still there visiting.
After all, they had driven all the way from Cincinnati, and they didn't get to visit all that often.  So they were catching up on all the news with Don and Phyllis.  When they decided they had better head home, Don and Phyllis followed them as far as Pendleton, and the four of them stopped in Pendleton for a sandwich before Carla and Randy headed for Cincinnati.
     When the tiny people saw that the house was quiet and the coast was clear, Tom Endrews decided that it was safe for him to deliver the day's mail to the other residents.  When he got on his bicycle and rode by the kitchen he noticed that Phyllis and Don had left food out on the counter, some that needed to cool before being put away.
      Tom was excited!  It was a perfect opportunity for the Lamper boys to pick up supplies to replenish the Smithville pantries!  Tom hurried off to deliver both the mail and the exciting news to George and Herbie.
     It wasn't long before George and Herbie had rounded up their equipment necessary for food gathering.  They gathered up storage bags, climbing ropes, hooks, baskets, and buckets.  Most importantly, they each had a wheeled cart for moving the supplies.
      Once, all was gathered. the boys took off on their mission.  The first step was to hook the climbing rope onto the kitchen stool and climb up that dizzying height!
     Once they were up on the stool, they used the phone cord to make their final ascent to the counter.
Wow!  Once on the counter, they find a feast of supplies:  flour, sugar, salt, crackers, vegetables, beef cubes.....things the residents can feast upon for days to come!
Then the boys have the hard job of loading the goods, packing them in bags and baskets, and lowering them to the floor so they can be loaded onto their carts.   
NOW!  They have the happy job of delivering all the goodies, dividing them up fairly among all of the Smithville residents.  The citizens of Smithville were so happy!  They, too, had a wonderful Labor Day, and a real reason to celebrate the day!  
In fact, they were so happy that they decided to pool some of their supplies, and have their own Labor Day celebration.  So they gathered together in Happy Valley, in Tom and Tess Endrew's yard. They each brought a covered dish, and the men cooked a huge kettle of beef stew using some of their new veggies and beef.  And, while Don and Phyllis slept that night, the tiny Smithville residents played music, sang, and danced by the light of the moon coming through the window!  What a happy day it had been for one and all!

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