Sunday, March 23, 2014

Oh the Excitement....March Madness!

Just how tired I am waiting for spring, sunshine, and warm weather, is reflected in my reluctance to record anything in this journal.  This has been a rather long week with nothing much happening of any import.

Well, Don might disagree with this.  Wednesday he met with Chuck and Rog
er at Hoosier Park as they do most Wednesdays.  At least, Chuck and Don meet most Wednesdays and invest their $20.00 in guessing which horse will win what race.  Last Wednesday Roger joined them.  I understand that the three might have won a total of $1.30 or something.  But, I am assured that many laughs were shared.

While the men did their thing, Ginny and I went shopping, all second hand.  She was looking for tea cups and saucers to use for decorations and favors at their women's tea at church.  I was just seeing what was there.
I filled my cart and spent $19.00 on miscellaneous.  She did find some cups and saucers.  Then we went to the Two Sisters clothing store in Pendleton.  There she spent more money than did I.  It was a great afternoon, but I have spent the rest of the week letting my sore knees and hip recover from all that shopping.

For the last four days nothing has happened at our house but BASKETBALL, BASKETBALL BASKETBALL.  They started out with 64 teams in the NCAA tourney, and they are down to 16,
If my math is right Don has watched 24 basketball games in the last 4 days.  But, oh wait, I forgot to count in the pro ball, the NIT, and the high school tourney games, and I think there were some girls games in there,too.

I don't sit and watch.  I just do my own little household things and occasionally ask for scores and short recaps.  I did paint the whole exterior of a house, however.  But before we get too excited, the house is a doll house that measures about 12" by 14".  It is very cute and I am sprucing it up to give to a wee friend.

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