Sunday, May 16, 2010

"B" is for "Big Moment" or Taylor in a Tuxedo

I know, I know - I should save this for my "T" entry. But last night was so exciting, I just couldn't wait to share it. I got to see my only grandson, Taylor, in a tuxedo. Was he ever handsome! The "little guy" that I home-schooled for three years is all grown-up. , 17 years old, tall, dark, and handsome.

Since he took himself off to high school, he is a junior, and has a sweet girl friend, Erica. I always said that as soon as he realized that there were no cute girls at home school, he would be off to high school. How true!

But, he really did not want to go to the prom. In fact he said that he would rather break his leg.
But Erica gave him "The Look." Now all boy friends and husbands soon learn what "The Look" means. It means, "Buddy, you had better step up." And he did. But now even Taylor realizes how good he looks in a tuxedo. What is it about tuxedos? They make all men look handsome. And the ones who are already handsome , they make them look handsomer.

Grandpa Don had to tell Taylor all about his Prom experience, or rather his Prom non-experience. Grandpa and I started dating our senior year in high school. Now, he not only declared that he would never go to a prom, he also declared that he would never date a girl. Well, we were dating, I was a girl, and I must have given him "The Look." Because I had a prom dress, and he had a dinner jacket all ready to go. But, the night before the prom was occur, Don was playing in a high school baseball game. Now, he swears that he didn't do it on purpose, but he was sliding into second base, and was hit in the eye with a flying baseball -----HARD. He was in the hospital the night of the prom, and my brother was my escort.

I don't know if Taylor's romance will last 53 years. Few people are as fortunate as we have been. But my fervant wish is that this handsome grandson will have a life filled with great happiness. Thanks, Taylor, for today's Big Moment!

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