Thursday, May 27, 2010

"M" - Molars, Miracles, and McDonalds

This is the first day that I have regretted the contrived alphabetical format for this blog. When I got up this morning I was absolutely sure that nothing "M" was about to happen. If fact, it seemed to me that this Thursday was going to be a totally boring, routine day filled with things that I really didn't want to do - dentist and doctors appointments. I thought that I really should abandon the format, or probably just skip writing altogether.

Then, this evening, I started watching a Netflix "m"ovie. One that I had ordered solely because Jude Law (swoon) was in it. It was a remake of an old "m"ovie, "All the Kings Men." I neglected to notice that Sean Penn had the leading role. I know, I know he is a good actor, just not one of "m"y favorites! So I watched it for a while and totally zoned out thinking about what I had done today. Finally, I stopped the "m"ovie, packaged it up to "m"ail back to Netflix, and starting writing my blog.

First thing this "m"orning, definitely too early for "m"e to be in a good "m"ood, I had to go back to the dentist, because last week he found two "m"olars that needed fillings replaced. First thing Dentist Greg said upon looking into "m"y "m"outh was, "Oh, we won't need any numbing for this job." I hate it when he says that. Now, it never did hurt. He was right. But I tend to hold my breath the entire time he is drilling. He cheerfully said, "It's okay, you'll automatically start breathing again when you pass out." Comedian Dentist!

Then we had to rush home, even though I desperately needed to stop and use the restroom, because Taylor was on his way to our house to do his Redbud "m"owing jobs, and Gramps certainly had to help him. At least Don likes to talk to the folks and help collect Taylor's "m"oney.
We had our noon "m"eal first and the guys left to do their "m"owing. I did my hip therapy exercises. "M"ainly I did them so I could honestly tell the hip doctor that I was doing my therapy. Because this afternoon I went to the Orthopedic Hospital for an appointment with hip doctor. I had X-rays, that showed that my new hip joint was doing just fine. Doctor said I was doing great, and walking well. If fact, I need not return to see him for three "m"onths! Holy
"M"ini-"M"edical "M"iracles!

Don and I celebrated by going to Hoosier Park Buffet for supper. Then we went downstairs and
gave some "M"oney to the slots.

This evening we thought we should give "M"other a little trip out. She loves to take an evening drive and have an ice cream cone. So we "m"otored over to "M"adewell's for a lemon ice cream cone. But half-way there it began to rain a "m"onsoon type rain. We "m"eandered around a bit waiting for it to stop raining, so we could go in for our ice cream. But, finally, we just detoured to "M"cDonald's and went through the drive- up for a vanilla cone, one of "M"other's favorites. She thought her "M"oments away were perfect, and thanked us "m"uch for such a nice drive.

Well, you count them. As this Thursday progressed, and the time "m"arched by, the "M"s just seemed to "m"ultiply. So it is with a "m"ixture of "m"irth and "m"odesty that I "m"ention in
writing this blog the "m"erits of this "M" "m"onologue.

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