Monday, July 26, 2010

XYZ'2- The Endings , or Beginnings?

Here we are at the ending of another run through of alphabetical blogging. So why have I combined X, Y, and Z? I have had reasons to be thinking about many school related events this last week or two. And I have been thinking about signs and symbols that we always associate with school. Of course the ABC's just quickly come to mind. Everywhere, in stores, I am beginning to see displays all designed to woo parents into starting the back to school shopping. And don't we always see
ABC's on these displays? But, being a retired teacher, back to school always means the ending of summer to me. So, XYZ, being the end of the alphabet, just seems more

This morning as I ate breakfast on the porch, I pondered endings. Certainly the extreme heat and humidity had ended somewhat. It was a beautiful morning, and very comfortable sitting on the porch. Just glorious to be out, after some time in the air conditioning. As I sat and watched two kingfisher birds fussing, scolding, and dive bombing one another, I heard cicadas buzzing to beat everything. Now there is a sound that means it is indeed late summer. And Cheryl and I have been having conversations about her returning to school, getting her classroom ready, wondering about Taylor's starting at AHS this fall. Wow! And wasn't it just a few days ago that I was writing about summer finally beginning? I thought this deal of regretting short summers would be over when I retired.

I have also been thinking about making signs for the Friends of the Library August sale, and it is to be a "Back to School Sale." We will be featuring materials for teachers to use, and backpacks filled with kids' books. I have been gathering pictures for my sign boards that feature school items.

I have also been reading those back to school advertisements in the paper. I have "adopted" a child through the Grace In Action program here in town. This program is designed to assist children of incarcerated parents. I never see my adopted child, but I do send cards, small gifts, etc. to celebrate her birthday and other holidays. The largest thing that we do for our adopted child is buy a backpack for school filled with grade approriate school supplies. We also buy our child at least one school uniform. My adopted girl is a third grader, and wears the same sized clothes that I do. She is a big girl! But I must admit that it is fun and exciting to get to go Back to School shopping at my age.

So you see, a person can begin to see that summer is coming to an end one of these days, and school time is going to begin soon. So from ABC to XYZ, it is an exciting time.

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