Monday, June 14, 2010

D2 - Drenching Rain and Dreams

Today was so humid that you could get wet just standing still outdoors. You could just tell, even though the sun was shining brightly, that eventually we would get a doozy of a rain storm. The doozy came about 8:30 tonight.

Since we live in a mobile home, and everyone tells us to get into a sturdy building when there is a storm warning, we watch the weather news rather faithfully. Or rather Don watches the weather channel nonstop when storms are on the way. He kept saying it is a half houf away, then twenty minutes, then fifteen minutes, etc etc. etc. So I went and changed from my pajamas back into clothes. I saw that Mother, who doesn't understand the concept of storms, was heading for the closet to get ready for bed. I told Don that we might as well leave and head for St. John's before she gets out of her clothes. So we did. It was bone dry, no rain drops, children out playing, and clear, beautiful skies to the East. You only knew a storm was coming if you looked behind you, and saw the navy blue threatening skies to the West.

We always go to St. Johns Hospital to wait out storms. It is close by. They have a nice, secure lounge with a television and no windows, right in the center of the nice, strong building. So we just read, rest, and follow the storms progress on TV. That was just fine, except that we left too early. Now, I could sit there and read until the cows come home. But patience isn't Don's strongest point. And he inherited that from his mother. So just as soon as the TV said that there was no longer a threat of tornados in Madison County, they were ready to head for home.

The TV didn't say that it had stopped raining. In fact, I think the rain was at its peak when we headed for the car. We laughed all the way home driving sightless through the downpour at 10 miles per hour. I said how nice it was that we went to a safe place to avoid the storm. Ha!
We did make it home. The house was all nice and safe with lights still burning.

After Don and Mother headed for bed, I watched my Netflix movie. It was "I Dream of Africa" with Kim Basinger playing Kuki Gallman. It is an excellent film, a true story, with breath taking
pictures of Africa. It is a story, of a woman, her husband, and son, who leave Italy to pursue their dream of running a ranch in Africa. They face unbelieveable hardships and great tragedies. The story is very sad in parts. But Kuki and her daughter, who is born in Africa, do survice to establish a foundation to promote conservation of the continent. A good story of
one woman's dream and determination.

Storms and movie are over, I think I shall head for my own happy dreams. Good night.

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