Yesterday was our anniversary - number 53. Isn't that just astounding? I'm sure that all couples feel this way. It seems impossible that so many years have passed, and that we still like each other, most days.
Amazing, isn't it, that we could have made such good mate-choices when we were such dumb
kids, barely out of our teens? I think it was not so much dumb luck, as that we really had a lot of fun together -- maybe a little dumb luck and a whole lot of determination.
We almost forgot that it was our anniversary this year. We were eating Monday evening, and Don said, "Do you know what tomorrow is?" I didn't, until he reminded me. A couple of years we did actually forget our anniversary until the day was almost over. One year we helped Rod move when he was working in Richmond. We were driving back to Anderson that evening- hot,
dirty, and exhausted - when it dawned on us what day it was. We stopped for supper at the Blue Moon Cafe in Losantville, probably the only place that would have let two very dirty movers in to eat. We still laugh about our Blue Moon Anniversary.
Five years ago we moved into this house on our anniversary, only because it was the only day
that we could reserve the movers. That evening, moving completed, we were sprawled in the
living room, totally wiped out. And our kids showed up with pizzas, drinks, and ice cream cake,
and served Mom and Pop their suppers.
Don and I have had a custom all our married lives, of leaving some breakfast treat and a card on
the kitchen counter on special days like birthdays, and valentines day. Well, I was sure after his reminder on Monday evening that he had remembered to buy a card. Too late for me! So,
after he went to bed, I decided that I would bake a coffee cake. I knew I had a cake mix in the pantry. Oh Ho! Surprise for me! Our pantry was very nearly empty. Don had cleaned it out
to give food to the Postal Service Food Drive! So I just made a computer card with a poem,
and found out in the morning that he had already bought a coffee cake with his card.
We were able to go out for a quick anniversary lunch by ourselves. We intended to go for the
spiffy luncheon buffet, but we weren't hungry enough after all that coffee cake. So we opted
for a deli sandwich, and it was more fun, anyway.
Now, some couples go for the champagne on their anniversary. Not us, we went straight for the
hard stuff! Last evening we took Mother, and went to Fraziers for strawberry short cake!
You know that the 50th anniversary is the golden one. Well, I have it on good authority that
the 53rd is the strawberry short cake anniversary---------------or, anyway, it should be.
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